Seeking Expressions of Interest for Non-Executive Directors

Realise Futures CIC is seeking expressions of interest to become one of our Non-Executive Directors. To discuss this voluntary role in more depth please email our Managing Director, Sally Butcher, or alternatively contact our head office.

The roles and responsibilities of a Realise Futures Non-Executive Director

Fiduciary duties

  • Commitment to and participation of RF Board induction (which will include visiting main sites) within three months of appointment
  • Attendance at board meetings (up to four a year) and important related meetings e.g. task and finish groups, AGM, appraisal reviews, interviews etc.
  • Volunteer for and willingly accept assignments, as appropriate, and complete them thoroughly and within agreed timeframes.
  • Stay informed about company matters, prepare for meetings by reviewing/scrutinising minutes & reports and offering professional commentary on proposals tabled (employing the appreciative enquiry model of questioning and support).
  • Get to know other board and senior management members and build a collegial working relationship that contributes to consensus.
  • Actively participate in the company’s annual evaluation and planning efforts.
  • Willingly contribute your expertise e.g. finance, marketing, legal, ICT, business development, HR etc. to further the aims of the company.
  • Contribute, where appropriate, to income generation opportunities for the company.
  • Provide input into the strategic plan and monitor the company’s progress toward achieving established objectives.
  •  Ensure the company operates in line with statutory and legal responsibilities of funding and accrediting bodies.
  • Commitment to and understanding of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

Person specification

  • Commitment to the vision and social mission of the organisation
  • Willingness to devote the necessary time and effort
  • Strategic vision
  • Good, independent judgement
  • Ability to think creatively
  • Willingness to speak your mind
  • Understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of a non-executive director
  • Ability to work effectively as a member of a team
  • Use the work ethics of Nolan’s seven principles of public life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.

Length of term: Minimum three years (terms of office can be extended, subject to agreement at AGM)

Remuneration: Relevant travel and subsistence costs will be reimbursed

Key responsibilities of Directors and Non-Executive Directors

Drawing inspiration from the concept of “The Personal Boardroom” we try to ensure that Executive Directors (salaried personnel) and Non-Execs take on these responsibilities in terms of the governance and leadership of the company.

  • Customer voice: Some of our staff and many of our clients/service users are vulnerable adults; their needs are at the heart of our business. We encourage active appreciation and promotion of those needs.
  • Sector expertise: We know where our strengths lie as a senior leadership team but are equally aware of those areas that require additional input/mentoring for depth and ongoing development.  
  • Guide: Help and support each other as we navigate sustainable relationships with local authorities and the business community
  • Champion: Championing our cause with the local business community and building our reputation as a social enterprise.
  • Connector: Making useful and hitherto unknown connections that support sustainability and growth
  • Challenger: We encourage challenge, questioning and scrutiny of actions and strategies.
  • Steel injector: Making and taking ownership of tough decisions

Collective leadership of the company

We want the Non-Executive Directors to have a ‘hands on’ central role in the leadership of the company and share the following principles.

  • A shared responsibility
  • Selflessness
  • Integrity
  • Objectivity
  • Accountability
  • Openness
  • Honesty

We need to be seen to model these behaviours at all levels of engagement

Role of Non-Executive Directors in the Realise Futures company culture

  • It’s not just about ‘the bottom line’
  • To ensure the values we espouse and the culture we want to embed is evident
  • Take the temperature of the organisation
  • Be prepared to challenge and hold the Senior Leadership team to account when they      observe things are amiss
  • Promote a culture of respect, support and ambition for all throughout the company and beyond

What does good governance look like in Realise Futures?

Although we can set out standards of behaviour, it is also important how the culture and the operation of the company is received by the people who use our services as well as our member employees. Good governance can be tangible in the way staff at all levels of the organisation can be seen to embody our values in their day-to-day work.

  • Everyone has a clear understanding of their roles both specific and generic
  • Is prepared to challenge and debate what is right for the company
  • Models the vision values and company culture
  • Is a proud ambassador for the company