Anti-loneliness Campaign at St Lawrence Café
Today we launch our anti-loneliness campaign at St Lawrence Café, While in the line, grab a chatty sign.
We have a centrally located, beautifully unique venue in Dial Lane, Ipswich. It has a large seating capacity, affordable food and drink, and is run by our helpful and kind staff. It is often the meeting place of friends to grab food and drink, and chat away in a relaxed and informal venue.
But sometimes people find themselves without a social network and don’t know where to start, how to reconnect. Some simply don’t have anybody to chat to that day, yet they still fancy a natter. And others are simply chatty and want to spread some cheer. To facilitate these people finding each other we are launching our “Chatty Sign” initiative. When you are ordering your food or drink just grab a chatty sign, take it to your table and put it on display. Let everyone know you are approachable and happy for them to join you at your table for a chat. It couldn’t be easier, and we have signs for many of the languages spoken locally.